
Good OS ( gOS ) Bukan Google Operating System

Google Gadgets
Enjoy a desktop full of live, personalized data

Google Picasa with WINE 1.0
gOS 3.1 pre-installs WINE 1.0, which makes it capable of running some Windows software. For example, Google Picasa for Linux runs like it does on Windows thanks to WINE 1.0.

Google Mail and Calendar
Easy to use mail and calendar programs that are totally web-based so you can take it anywhere

Google Documents, Spreadsheets, and Presentations
Great web-based office suite that can open Microsoft Office document formats and PDFs

3D Window Switcher
Special desktop effects make gOS 3.1 even cooler and more fun to use

Google Desktop Search
Find files fast with desktop search

Mozilla Firefox
The world's best web browser

Open Office
A full productivity suite for when you're offline or need advanced functions

System Requirements

Bare Minimum
300 MHz x86 processor
At least 4 GB of disk space (for full installation and swap space)
VGA graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution
CD-ROM drive or network card

700 MHz x86 processor
384 MB RAM
8 GB of disk space
Graphics card capable of 1024x768 resolution
Sound card
A network or Internet connection

How-to: Install gOS 3.1 Gadgets (SP1)

Bare Minimum
Once your download is complete, it’s time to burn it to a CD or DVD and install it. Here’s how…

1. Burn the ISO file to a CD/DVD

The file you downloaded is an “ISO” which you need to then burn to a CD/DVD. Look for a special option in your CD/DVD burning software that allows you to create a CD/DVD from an ISO file. Click here for a list of CD/DVD burning software

2. Keep the CD/DVD inside
After successfully burning a CD, keep your new gOS 3.1 CD inside your drive.

3. Reboot your computer
With the gOS 3.1 CD inside, you should reboot to see a new gOS menu screen.

4. Select “Start or install gOS”
Wait patiently while gOS 3.1 loads up from the CD/DVD

5. Double click the “Install” icon
It’s the green gOS disc icon :-)

6. Follow the instructions to the finish
When you’re finished, you’ll have to reboot.

7. Enjoy!
Make sure you’re connected to the Internet so you can enjoy all that the gOS Web Applications and Gadgets brings to your new gOS 3.1 desktop!

Download gOS 3.1 Gadgets (SP1)

gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #1 (693 mb) thanks k-disk.com
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #2 (693 mb) thanks linuxfreedom.com
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #3 (693 mb) thanks ausgamers.com
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #4 (693 mb) thanks quantummechanic.com
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #5 (693 mb) thanks rubyringtech.com
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #6 (693 mb) thanks losslessrecords.com
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #7 (693 mb) thanks candishosting.com.cn
gOS 3.1 Gadgets mirror #8 (693 mb) thanks diskonnected.org

Download gOS 3.1 Gadgets (SP1) from Bit Torrent

Download from Torrent (693 mb)

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Setelah VMWare terinstalasi dengan baik di Desktop Linux, silahkan Anda membuat mesin baru untuk instalasi sistem operasi windows, kemudian hubungkan printer, scanner atau usb device Anda yang belum memiliki dukungan driver di Linux, otomatis windows yang berjalan dalam VMWare akan mendeteksi new hardware, langkah selanjutnya instalasikan driver windows yang disertakan untuk hardware tersebut. Selesai deh, hardware tersebut dapat kita gunakan kembali.>> Selengkapnya

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